I Built a Business in 24 hours for $0 To Make Money Online

Today I’m going to build a business in less than 24 hours so I can make passive income but I have  a few rules for myself first it has to be free to get started I’m not investing my life savings into  this second it has to be 100% beginner friendly so that someone with no prior marketing experience no  Tech skills could make this happen I want to be able to show this to my grandma or my 10-year-old  nephew and third it has to make monthly recurring Revenue so I can create passive income because  I don’t have 80 hours a week to spend on this so based on those three rules we can’t do Amazon FBA  Drop Shipping affiliate marketing or anything that has to do with real estate now I’ve been  running online businesses for a while now and I’ve made well over $10 million online so I’ve seen a  lot of what works and what doesn’t work and the business model that I have seen work time and time  again that also qualifies with these three rules that I have is called White Label SAS so let me  explain SAS stands for software as a service so think about Netflix Netflix is a software company  that charges you a monthly software subscription in order to access the content they have on their  platform and because they’re selling software as a service as opposed to time as a service  they’re able to scale up to millions of users on the Netflix platform without having to hire  millions of employees which theoretically for us would create monthly recurring Revenue so  we can make semi- passive income with this new business model now I know that one of our rules  is that this business has to be 100% beginner friendly and if you’re anything like me you  probably have no idea how to code or to build a software company right so what we’re going to do  is take a software that’s already pre-built put our own logo on it put our own domain connect our  own payment processor and resell it as if it’s our own so we can make monthly recurring revenue  and if you just smash a like button and drop a comment down below I’ll share with you a private  link that you can unlock an extended 30-day free trial to the software and be able to jump  on a live boot camp and one-on-one kickoff call to get this entire business setup for you 100%  for free so now that you’ve smashed the like button dropped a comment down below so you can  get that extended 30-day free trial plus that live boot camp to get everything set up what we  want to do is leverage this pre-built software to sell a simple service that requires no to minimal  ongoing support so that we can make monthly recurring Revenue in a pretty semi- passive  way now a simple service that I know works very well is helping small local businesses with  their marketing so they can get more clients and ultimately make more money and this one service  that I want to show you how to set up takes about 5 minutes to set up it’s a onetime setup  but continues to add value to this small local business owner so they’ll want to continue to  pay you on a monthly ongoing basis but because it was just a one-time setup every single month they  are paying you for access to this software that you set up once but don’t have to really do any  ongoing fulfillment so this is a pretty semi- passive income business model so let me just  pull this up on my computer really quick so you can see how to get your first clients how to set  up these clients and run this entire business and have everything set up in less than a day  for $0 and as you’re watching this and if you like this business model and you think of a friend that  you’d love to do this business with just tap the share button send this video over to them so you  guys can both get started on this and working together 100% for free so the first thing that  we’re going to do here is we’re going to come over here to Google to find any type of local business  owner this could be a plumber electrician a roofer real estate agent really doesn’t matter so for  this one we’re just going to type in a plumber in Denver Colorado and it can be any location  it really doesn’t matter and what happens here is the first results are usually paid results you can  see the sponsored up here so they’re paying to be at the very top of this Google Search term  then if we scroll down we see more businesses so if somebody’s needing a plumber in the Denver area  obviously they’re going to go to Google they’re going to type in plumber in whatever area they’re  in and they’re going to start calling these different listings and typically the listings  that show up at the top they’re the ones that have the most Google reviews and the most five-star  reviews so you see this one right here over 7,000 reviews they’ve done a lot of serious work to get  a lot of of reviews to show up at the very top of Google all right now what we’re going to be  offering with this one simple five minute setup to these small businesses is something I guarantee  you none of these small businesses have ever been pitched before because this service leverages Ai  and it is very cuttingedge technology so it’s not like selling them reviews or Facebook ads or SEO  to go through and rank their their website higher in Google and so what we’re going to do is we’re  going to have this long we can even click on more businesses we’re going to have this long list of  all these businesses that we can go through and reach out to and what we’re going to say to them  is simply I will get you as many appointments as you want in seven days with zero ad spend or you  pay nothing are you interested and let me tell you something after working with over 15,000  small local business owners the one thing that all these small businesses want are more appointments  so they can get more customers and ideally if they can get more appointments so they can get  more customers with zero ad spend with zero risk because they don’t have to pay anything if you  don’t get them result they are going to be about that all day long so you’re going to get a lot of  people going through and saying yes to this which stick around with me here in a second because you  might be looking well if they don’t pay anything how am I actually making money I will show you  that here in just a second so once you get one of these small business owners saying yes which  with an off like that I guarantee you’re going to have a lot of these small business owners saying  yes to that you’re going to come over here to a simple software and what we’re doing here  is we’re going to come down to settings and we are going to set them up with something called  conversation AI so small businesses they have a lot of people reaching out to them Facebook  Messenger Instagram DMS a live chat on their website text messaging there’s a lot of ways to  go through and communicate with these businesses however a plumber a massage therapist IST a  chiropractor they don’t have the time to respond to all of these messages and a lot of times if  they have an assistant or secretary the assistant or secretary is also busy doing a number of other  tasks so what we’re going to do is we’re going to set up a simple AI bot to be able to automatically  respond to all these clients to save them a ton of time a ton of money and book more appointments  on their calendar with zero additional ad spend all right so in order to set this up  like I said this has to be beginner friendly no marketing experience I want to be able to have my  grandma or my 10-year-old nephew be able to set this up we just come over here and we would just  click on autopilot you can see it’s already clicked right there we choose which supported  channels we want to go through and leverage and you can see I’ve already got Instagram Facebook  Messenger SMS a chat widget or a live chat all selected and then we might be thinking well how  does the AI bot know how to respond to all of the questions that are coming and for the business so  all we have to do is come back over here and let’s say this Denver plumber and HVAC they’re the ones  that said yes I’d be really interested in that all we do is have to click on website right here  we pull up their website I’m just going to copy their website right here I’m going to come over  and I’m going to paste it into this bot training okay I’m just going to paste it right there and  click on get data and what’s it’s going to do is going to take about 20 seconds to scan the  entire website all the different pages learn about the services they offer the pricing the hours of  operation everything that you need to know about this business right and then in addition to that  most small businesses they have about five to six questions that they get asked all the time and  it’s the same answers to the same questions and so in order to go through and respond help with  that we have this frequently asked questions section where you can add a frequently Asked  question that a plumber gets and the answer and then just hit save and add all of those  responses right there and you can see right here this link was already updated took about what 10  20 seconds to go through and update that and now we can come over here to this bot trial and say  something like what services do you offer and then the AI bot has already scanned the entire website  learned everything it needs to know about it and so it says we offer plumbing and drain cleaning  services so it gives all the information that the potential client would need and then we could give  it a thumbs up or a thumbs down if we give it a thumbs down we can correct the response right  here and say this is the right response and so in a matter of about 5 to 10 minutes we can have this  AI bot 100% trained knowing everything about the business and know how to respond to every  single one of these new questions that come in and then on top of that we said that we’re were going  to be booking appointments for the small local business owner right well we just come over here  to configure intent and I’m just going to move my head really quick but we have this appointment  booking that we are going to enable and we’re just going to say hey as you’re going through and  responding to all these questions that are coming in we want you to then book an appointment on this  calendar and this is just a demo account I’ve got the infinite leads calendar right here and  then we would just hit save right here okay so now as the bot goes through and answers the questions  it’s going to direct the conversation to booking an appointment on the calendar for the plumber the  electrician or whatever the business owner might be and then another cool thing on top of this  for you to create an additional source of passive income is every time that this bot responds it’s  going to cost two cents per response because we’re sending text messages we’re also leveraging AI  machine learning a lot of these different things which you can actually go into the software and  every response you can mark it up saying it’s 3 cents cents per response or 4 cents per response  and since the hard cost is 2 cents you would make the difference so every message that would go if  it was 4 cents that you were charging to the small local business owner you would make two  cents on every response and you might be thinking about that and be like that’s not that much money  however if one business has let’s say 20 people reaching out every single day and every single  conversation has four or five responses you can see how the math the numbers really start to add  up and this is just passive income that you’re able to bring into your business on top of an  ongoing monthly service retainer so going back to this original question that you probably had  of if we’re going through and doing this for pay nothing how do we actually go through and  get passive income with this business that we’re starting for $0 well the cool thing is is after  7 days once we’ve set up this conversation AI bot they’re going to start seeing appointments  being booked and they’re going to start seeing like man I’m getting a lot of appointments from  the simple automation bot and so after the seven days that’s a timeline where you then follow up  with the business and you’re able to say like hey how did the appointment booking bot go and you’re  able to log into their account and see exactly how many appointments were booked so you already  know how well it worked and so you can be like yeah I saw there was 23 booked appointments or  17 or whatever the number was how would you like for me just to set this up for every new  lead that comes into your business so you never have to think about it and you don’t have to pay  me a high fee every single month to go through and do this for you would you be interested in  that now obviously they’re going to be like yes I love the appointments I really want to go through  and do that and that is where you go and you just charge $500 per month for this simple service that  you’ve already set up it’s already done they’ve already seen the value so it’s going to basically  be a no-brainer to pay $500 per month for this appointment booking bot and if you’re looking at  and thinking like man $500 per month seems pretty steep guess what a lot of these small businesses  they will pay hundreds of dollars for just one single appointment to be booked on their calendar  so to have $500 per month be able to book as many appointments with this conversation AI bot this is  a total no-brainer for these small businesses so anyway guys I hope you like that simple business  model to create monthly recurring Revenue so you can have some passive income semi- passive income  because honestly I don’t believe that anything is truly passive there’s a little bit of work to go  through and get started but then once it’s started it’s basically running itself and it’s also  totally beginner free and 100% free to get started cuz like I said if you just like this video drop a  comment down below I’ll share with you a private link to get an extended 30-day free trial to the  software plus a free live boot camper will help you get everything set up in about 45 minutes and  a one-on-one kickoff call so you can be hitting the ground running Off to the Races ready to go  through and get your first clients I’ll even share with you a free step-by-step course this shows you  several other free ways to go and get clients that you don’t even involve cold calling and how to  fulfill for clients and how to grow this business so if you guys want that make sure you just smash  like button drop a comment down below and I’ll share with you the private link and as I mentioned  earlier if you have a friend or a family member that you think would like this business that you  would love to work with and do this with just tap the share button send it to them have them  check it out so you guys can both get started on this together for free so anyway thanks so  much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video a quick shout out to our sponsor aimage bots.in for your business so go to custom AI software to small business owners who already want to buy and you  can keep 100% of the profits go to launch my software.com  right now to learn more and start your extended 30-day free trial

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