Earn $57 Per HOUR By Just Watching YouTube Videos! (Make Money Online 2022)

Who would have thought that watching 
YouTube videos will make you money?   So today, I’ll show you how to do just that 
and earn $57 per hour, which is one of the   easiest ways to make money online. How to 
do it? We’re about to find out. This is,   how to earn money online by just watching 
YouTube videos! Now let's get started.  Step one, go to YouTube.com and search for 
different videos. I want you to click on   any of these videos. Step two, once you click 
and play the video, make sure you watch it for   at least 30 seconds.

And finally, you make money. 
Take a look at all of these real payment proofs   from people all over the world from all of 
the videos they watched. Now here's how much   money you can make using this strategy. If you 
just watch 1 YouTube video, you can earn $3.   If you watch 10 videos, you can earn $30. And 
if you watch 19 videos, you can earn up to $57.   The best part is you can do it as many times as 
you want and keep getting paid. And all you need   is just your mobile phone or your computer or 
laptop. This is 100% legit and completely free.   This works all around the world since YouTube 
is available globally. Having that said, I want   you to comment down below, and let me know from 
which country you are watching this video from.   In that way, I can create specific videos 
for your region in my future videos.  Now the first thing I want you to do is head 
over to YouTube.com and click on the Sign In   button right up here, which will take you to this 
page. If you still don't have a YouTube account,   you can create one for free by clicking on this 
Create account button.

From there, you can create   a free Google account and sign up for YouTube. 
Once you've logged in to your YouTube account,   one thing you’ll notice on the left section is the 
best of YouTube. YouTube will show you the best   performing videos in the best video categories 
such as Movies, Gaming, Fashion and Beauty, Sports   and so on. In this video, I'm going to show you 
a secret strategy that no one is talking about.   So click on Gaming and it will then take you 
to this page which is the Gaming section. There   are literally millions of people watching these 
videos on YouTube and they have no idea that they   can make a lot of money with it. But I'll show you 
how. And that's precisely how all of these people   are making huge money on YouTube.

So for the first 
bonus tip, I want you to concentrate on this video   category, Grand Theft Auto V. GTA V is one of 
the most popular games right now. And clicking   on GTA V will lead you to this specific page where 
you can discover a lot of videos regarding GTA V   gameplays. I want you to focus your attention 
here because these livestreaming videos are   running right now. And all you have to do for the 
next step is to click on any of these live videos.   If I click on this one, it will take me to this 
page where they’re running a livestream.

And as   you can see, there are a lot of opportunities to 
make money on this type of video right on YouTube.   So make sure you keep watching because I'll teach 
you how to make a lot of money with this type of   YouTube video. Now, in order for us to transform 
those YouTube videos into cash, we need to go to   the second website which is this one right here. 
In this website, you can shorten your URL links   and turn them into real money. Don't worry, I'll 
explain it to you. Don't think too hard about it   because it's actually a lot easier than you think. 
All you have to do is sign up for a free account   on this website and then shorten different URL 
links of different YouTube videos. I'll show you   exactly how to do it in just a moment and you 
could be making money for each and every video.   Now if you're watching this YouTube video, 
you can find a Share button below it. Click   on the share button and you'll be able to find a 
YouTube URL link of this particular gaming video.   From there, click on the Copy button to 
copy the URL link of this YouTube video.   After that, go back to this website, paste the 
URL link of that YouTube video into this box   and just click on this button.

This website will 
automatically convert and shorten the long YouTube   URL link in to a brand new unique link for you. 
And as you can see, every time someone clicks   on this unique link, you'll get paid. That's how 
all of these people are able to make so much money   right here on this website. Once you earn money, 
you can cash it out through PayPal, Bitcoin,   WebMoney, Perfect Money, Payeer and so on. This is 
what I like about this website because there are   various payment options for you to choose from. 
With that said, I want you to comment down below,   and let me know what payment method you prefer. 
And I'll try to make videos about that as well.  Now before we go any further, only a 
small percentage of people that watch   my videos are actually subscribed, so if 
you end up getting value out of this video,   consider subscribing with notification on, it’s 
free and you can always change your mind later.   In that way, I will notify you whenever I have 
a new and fresh strategy to make money online,   so you can be one of the first to use 

Thus, of course make the most money.   Now let's get back to the video.
Now before I forget, this website is   called 7r6.com. Now all you have to do is go to 
their homepage and click on the Sign Up button,   which will then lead you to this page where 
you can register for a brand new account for   absolutely free. So just fill out your username, 
email address, password, and agree to the Terms of   Use and Privacy Policy before clicking on the 
Register button. After doing so, this is what   you'll see in your dashboard. From here, I want 
you to click on this button right up here. This is   where we'll paste our YouTube URL links so we can 
shorten them and make money. For the next step,   all we have to do is go back to our YouTube video, 
click the share button and copy this URL link.   Then return to our dashboard and paste our link 
right here.

Now under alias, enter GTA V which   is the title of the video, and then click on the 
shorten button to get your unique shortened link.   Now for the next step, go back to YouTube and 
repeat the process for up to three times or   even more on different videos. Keep in mind that 
the more YouTube videos’ URL links you shorten,   the more money you make. Now for the final step, 
go to SteamCommunity.com. SteamCommunity.com is   an online discussion and forum-based site used by 
Steam for gamers to communicate with each other.   It is a site where a lot of people talk about 
different topics regarding playing different   games. Right now in the GTA V forum, there are 
a lot of different discussions going on as you   can see here.

This game is one of the best video 
games of all time and they're getting millions   and millions of engagements every single day. 
So with the help of 7r6.com, this is going to   be your best chance to make a lot of money from 
all of those YouTube videos. Basically, you can   sign up for a free account on Steam Community and 
start a discussion by creating a post about GTA V.   Then share your unique shortened link through 
that post. And from there, you'll get a lot   of engagements from a lot of people who will 
click your unique link and watch the video.   And you'll literally be making a lot of money 
from just one video alone.

The best part is you   can do this over and over again with different 
YouTube videos, and earn money every single day.  New way to become a published author on Amazon 
without writing any paragraphs, we have put   together intensive training and analytics 
inside of a new software called Book Bolt,   which is going to show you what customers 
on Amazon are purchasing in the low and no   content book space. If you don't know what that is 
let's go ahead and I'll show you how that works.   Now we're inside of Book Bolt.

And before we get 
started, you need to understand that on Amazon,   people are purchasing books that are not just 
written words. These are called Low content books.   Think about this as journals. Okay, think 
about this as puzzle books, coloring books,   prayer journals. As you see we're on the 
computer here. And we have pulled up some   amazing product opportunities where Book Bolt 
has done the creative work for you. We can see   right here, we figured it out that a prayer 
journal, where the inside his simply blank   lines is selling over 500 copies per month 
at $7 each.

This product has been so popular,   it's garnered 5000 Plus Reviews. So Book Bolt has 
done this research for you so that you can create   similar products, you can come in here and click 
on this which will show you the pricing over time   how well the product has sold throughout 
the year and exactly what the products   look like so that you can create products for 
the same audience. If you want to save these and   take a look at them later, you can simply add 
them to your favorites, which you can download   anywhere on the go and do this business and 
create a publishing company anywhere you are   in the world.

Now let's go ahead and show you how 
easy this is to actually get one of these books on   Amazon, you're going to need a few things. The 
first is your interior file. Instead of sitting   there and writing out a long convoluted story. We 
provided these files for you inside of Book Bolt.   So all you need to do is come to our interior 
generator, select prayer journal, which we already   have provided, and download this. There you go. 
This is the entire inside of the book, which you   will then upload to Amazon. The second thing that 
you need is you need a great looking cover. We've   also provided software to create these covers. 
You see right here, I provided a background,   a few lines of text and we have downloaded this to 
our computer.

The last and final step to become a   published author on Amazon is simply upload these 
files on the Amazon KDP platform. As you see   right here. I've uploaded this to Amazon and all 
we need to do is click Approve and we will become   a published author on the Amazon platform. Now 
at Book Bolt, we see you as business partners,   which is why your success is the only goal that we 
have. This is why when you join Book Bolt, you're   always getting more than you signed up for. If 
you're not a subscriber yet simply click the link   below to get started.

You're only a few clicks 
away from becoming a published author on Amazon.  Now if you want to make even more money, then 
you need to watch this video right here, for   you to discover how to earn $1.50 per video you 
watch, which is one of the best ways to make money online..

As found on YouTube
