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Make Money Online Drop Servicing | The #1 Strategy For 2020

Make Money Online Drop Servicing | The #1 Strategy For 2020

what's up Drop services Dylan Sigley here today we're going to get into how you can make money online drop servicing the number one strategy for 2020 and I run multiple drop servicing businesses driving six figures and an education business called the drop servicing blueprint that actually teaches drop servicing so today you're going to get the real strategies and tactics working out there right now and just to show you guys that I know what I'm talking about these are the types of sales that were able to generate in drop servicing so let's jump into it shall we so in this video I'm going to show you the entire system that gets me sales like that one they're on autopilot and make sure you have a journal ready just like this one here so you can take notes and actually implement this information because this is going to be a good one now before we get into the video make sure you like the video before you watch it because of course you're gonna think it's great or dislike it if you think it's going to be terrible and hit the big red juicy subscribe button and the notification belt so when I release more drop servicing strategies tactics and tutorials you'll get notified and as we go through the video make sure you comment below any questions that come up at all and I'll personally answer all your questions in an upcoming video so in the previous video I broke down for you all the steps and theory around what actually allows me to get clients if loosely in my drop servicing business and has done so for almost five years now but I also want you guys to understand every piece of the system because the thing is if you don't have a system like this implemented in your business you're leaving a ton of money on the table and you're letting your computers literally steal your customers away from you which is pretty insane if you ask me a'right so the reason for all this all these sales come from making offers and if you don't make the offer to the right person the right number of times in the right ways and the right places you're not going to get as many sales as you could it makes sense right so what the ideal strategy for getting drop servicing clients in 2020 well first of all it's best to start off with a free method like cold email right so you don't have to spend any money to get your first sales and then you can scale up with other paid methods later on so for called email you're going to need a source of leads and a way to email that source fleet so what's the best place to source those leads well you have hundreds of directories online with potential clients get together such as Yelp and multiple huge social media platforms with potential clients congregate like LinkedIn so you could start there as your source of leads now you might hire a VA to generate email addresses from those sources or you could do it yourself you could build a potential list of prospects interested in your service but not only we generate the email you also take the number down and connect with them on LinkedIn or send your offer over in mail rather than just sending one email to that person you could send five emails one every seven to thirty days and you're going to be five times more likely to get a reply right or at least more likely and will then annoy them well it could but as long as you follow the rules you're good to go one of the keys is always to give that up contact an opt-out option and you might automate this email sending via a platform like wood picker to send the Firefly so then you've increased your conversion rates by doing this demon by sending like one email for example right so you're gonna seem five emails from different angles and you're going to be much more likely to get resolved and make sure you're following any person and laws regarding called email we are from but next you're going to need another arsenal to your method of emailing your offer these are going to be having people calling right so make sure you have five different email templates to put your offer up there in different ways and you can increase the conversion rate even more like 50 percent by having an appointment sitter cold call these potential clients so now not only are you going to be emailing potential clients and following up with in five times you're also going to be calling these potential clients and following up them a few times as well so you're going to be putting your potential clients from even more angles and once you're both emailing and calling these potential clients you can also be hitting them up from another initial angle to which is social media for example here we're using LinkedIn so you could follow up with him on LinkedIn by sending an email message and maybe even seen them in mail five times as well now instead of senior for one time you're going to be singing email you're calling and reaching on social media multiple times and if you do it in the right way you won't be annoying a prospective client some might be right but you're going to be massively increasing your conversion rates by doing it like this but that's just stage one the next stage is increasing the conversion rates after they reply positively right they'll let you know that are interested in your offer and now they're our lead what most people do at this heat is maybe they reply once and then never follow up again and that's absolutely insane you're leaving so much money on the table by not following up now it's really just pure laziness now that you've got someone positively responding to your message it's time to follow up with him again multiple times over email multiple angles multiple times over the phone from different angles and multiple times over social media from different angles so you might have five emails you've seen doubt over a two-week period to follow up with them and give them to the next stage of sales process and then you can have appointments see that's call them multiple times over that period to sit the appointment and you're still following up with them over social media at the same time okay so now you've got a fully built out system for the top of the funnel hitting them from email social media and over the phone and once they're interested you're hitting them from multiple times over email social media and the phone once again that's going to massively increase the conversion rate of people that don't know about you to people interest in your service becoming paying customers you're going to get a lot more potential clients sitting up phone calls with the system but there's still one final piece the third thing you need here is the follow-up with those who get on the call with your sales team but I don't buy right away because not everyone is going to buy from you in a period of two weeks from hearing about your service hearing and how your company hearing about you the follow-up doesn't stop here guys you should have retargeting pains on Google and Facebook's ad networks which you can target a list of potential clients who visited your website and they can reach 90 percent of Internet users over these platforms so you could have ads once again coming from different angles warming up potential clients over many months next you should be adding interested leads on social media networks and posting at least once a week so you can stay on top of their mind and remind them why they need your service and they need to work with you this is a very powerful and important tool in your arsenal guys and then the third piece of your long term follow-up system is going to be your email newsletter so everyone likes to think email is dead but it's really not and business people are glue to email all day long so you should have a weekly newsletter blasting out valuable content laced with offers to your potential client list week after week and that will increase your conversion rate even more so if you have these three things in place you're going to be able to follow up over a much longer period of weeks the months I've even had sales close years after entering the funnel because of the consistent messaging going out but the key is to make it quality and high quantity so to summarize here guys first of all at the top of your funnel we are getting people they have never heard of you service getting interested you need to be hitting them up over email social media and appointments it is calling them at least five times and then once they're applying that they're interested well once again you should be heading them up following up with them over email calling and social media at least five times and then finally once they've actually gotten on a call with your sales person maybe they haven't bought right away should still be following up with retargeting campaigns on social media by posting least once a week I mean also email newsletters with different offers and piece of value it's going to build that relationship with them because the more goodwill you build with your potential customers the more likely they are to buy with you in the long term they have to know like and trust you and that's a really important thing you need to have implemented but remember at the end of the day the more times you touch base with the potential clients more likely they're going to be Tobias so employ me in this system and you'll be good to go so that's the video hopefully today you learn something that you can actually implement in your business and once again subscribe notification bell and comment below with any questions you have like and dislike the video until next time [Music]

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