Get Paid $10 Every 2 Minutes To TYPE CAPTCHA! | Make Money Online 2023

in today's video I'm gonna be showing you 
how you can make ten dollars every minute   to type in captcha now for those who don't 
know what captures are or what they do it's   basically the step you take before officially 
signing up or going on a website that asks you   to confirm that you're not a robot with that I 
think you already know what I'm talking about   sometimes these captures would ask us to 
select the boxes with buses or boats and   sometimes these captures asks us to type in what 
they are showing us correctly and accurately what's up everybody and welcome back to the new 
money shark Channel WE Post new and exciting   money making videos daily so make sure that you 
like this video And subscribe to our YouTube   channel if you haven't already and make sure 
to hit the notification Bell to be notified   every time we have a new video up and you'll be 
the first one to know and try it out the first   website that we're going to be talking about 
is called and this is not even   the highest paying website yet so if you want to 
know which one of the three is the highest paying   website then you should stick around to the very 
end anyway as you can see you can work for two   captcha there's home entry work instant payments 
and it's easy to start online captcha typing job   capture solving is a very simple and guaranteed 
way to have additional income on the internet   to work on the service you only need a 
computer keyboard and an internet connection   the idea is that there are numerous types of 
images that cannot be recognized automatically   and there are people who are customers who are 
ready to pay for recognition of these images   we have created a service suitable for both 
customers and workers we collect images from   the customer and send them to you the worker in a 
simple interface where you need to enter the text   correctly according to the shown images you will 
earn funds for every correctly entered captcha   to start work on our service you only have to 
register an account hit on start work and then   the system will guide you through training 
tasks to show you what to do after just five   to ten minutes you will begin to earn money by 
solving captions rates are at 30 cents per 1000   normal captures for 11 seconds and one dollar 
and one cent per 1000 recaptures for 21 seconds   the process of solving a normal captcha is as 
follows we take the capture image from the page   and send it to the to capture service where an 
employee which is you or us solves it typing the   indicated text then the answer is returned to them 
which must be entered in the appropriate field to   solve the captcha so click on get paid and then 
it's gonna take you to here so just proceed with   the registration process like you normally would 
any and that's pretty much it and once you're all   logged in you can start working and start earning 
ASAP second website is called and   this is how their website should look like easy 
job easy money earn diaper credits worth over two   hundred dollars every month is a 
workforce management company that provides data   entry services to private and governmental 
institutions our main goal is to support our   clients digitization requirements by converting 
scanned papers into editable digital documents   our services also include image to text 
recognition transcription from voice to   text and assisting the visually impaired 
to overcome internet's visual challenges   we're currently looking for typers from all around 
the globe all you need to have to work with us is   a computer with an internet connection and the 
ability to type at least 10 words per minute   our schedules are flexible you can work at any 
hour that you want and for as long as you please   the quicker you type the more typer credits which 
can be exchanged for a dollar currency you earn if   you guys want to know how you can make even more 
money online over a thousand dollars every single   day then make sure you check our description box 
down below because we have a pleasant surprise   there that I know you guys are going to absolutely 
love so make sure you check out our description   box down below for that surprise also let me 
know what payment method you would prefer PayPal   payoneer whatever that may be let me know in the 
comments down below because I'd love to know and   read through them and maybe I can even respond 
to some but for now let's get back into the video is fantastic for mothers that stay 
at home parents that need a second job students   and people in between jobs how much you can earn 
depends on the amount of work that you can do   our top typers earn between 100 typer 
credits to 250 typer credits each month   our payment rates start from 45 cents for each 
1 000 word images typed and can go as high up   to 1.5 dollars type or credits for each one 
thousand words typed as typer credits can be   automatically exchanged for a dollar currency we 
may pay through debit cards bank checks PayPal   web money perfect money PESA and Western Union 
to sign up just click on sign up right here and   simply proceed with the registration process like 
normal and as soon as you're all signed up you   can immediately get to work and start earning 
and that's basically for this website our last   website for today and our highest paying one is 
called and this is their website   stable job for everyone everywhere now why Colo 
tibablo first of all it's stable Koto tublo is   working from 2007 and they're not planning to go 
anywhere before we finish up don't forget to like   comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel 
if you haven't already and also let us know   in the comments down below what videos you'd 
like to see next so we can note them down and   maybe do it for our next video now let's continue 
second it's accurate you can track your entries   and payments with their accurate statistics 
system and of course there's liquidity you can   instantly withdraw earn money to different payment 
systems or you may even send it to another account   if you scroll lower you're gonna see some 
testimonials which obviously adds to The   credibility of this website and assures you that 
this website is reliable and trusted so to get   ahead with the registration process just click 
on start working right here and then it's going   to take you to here so just provide all of the 
information being asked of you as always and as   soon as you're all signed up you can start working 
right away and get paid just as fast so make   sure that you try all the websites out together 
because that's the only way that you're gonna bet   the best results possible so if you want the best 
results possible then make sure you try everything   test everything out do everything that we had 
just taught you and that is basically everything   else then thank you guys so much for 
watching today's video we finally hit 60   000 subscribers thank you guys so much for all 
of your support and our next goal is 70 000 so   make sure that you like subscribe and hit that 
notification Bell so you won't miss a single video   because it would be a total bummer if you missed 
anything at all we hope you guys enjoyed today's   video we can't wait to make more and we will see 
you in the next one have a great rest of the week

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